Sunday, May 12, 2013

Building a Network and Community Online

Social media is all about being social. "Well, of course it is" you're thinking...but a lot of people tend to forget that. They get so caught up in their own agenda and objectives (e.g. getting their message/product out there) that they turn the two-way communication platforms into one-way channels by pushing their content and feigning engagement and interaction. Take note now and don't become "one of them."

To truly get the most out of social media (any platform, whether that be LinkedIn, Twitter, or even Pinterest), you have to both give and take. Posting, pinning, sharing, and tweeting are all meaningless without discussion and conversation about what was shared. This interaction is what makes the media social. It's what furthers the shared knowledge and generates new ideas. Don't forget this!

I almost feel silly writing this post, but I see this more so everyday; particularly in LinkedIn groups. People are so willing to post links "to get their name out there," yet they're so unwilling to actually have a discussion with anyone. Frankly, I'm tired of the spam -quit it! :)  Instead, let's show our actual expertise and enthusiasm for the subject by commenting and discussing. In fact, let's go one step further; once we've had a great conversation, let's network with each other to grow our professional circles.

So....leave me a comment and let's get the conversation going!

photo credit: Victor1558 via photopin cc

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