Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Buried in a Tech World: Part 1 –Personal Challenge

How much snow was on that tree in your front yard when you left the house this morning? Was your neighbor’s car sitting in their driveway? What color shirt was the secretary wearing when you arrived at work? Oh, that’s right, you don’t recall because you were ‘plugged in’ and switched into autopilot mode as soon as you woke. How unfortunate that your life is passing you by and you aren’t even paying attention to it.

Today I challenge you to the following; see something routine in a new and different light.

Today’s world has become so fast passed and technology ensconced, that people have forgotten how to take time and notice the world around them. They’ve got earbuds in their ears, smartphones in their hands, and their minds anywhere but in the here and now. It’s time to slow down, take a step backwards, and just take a few moments during your busy day to actually perceive the world around yourself.

Personally, I actively seek to make this a daily habit of mine. Sure I ride the same route to work everyday, but rather than zoning out, I focus in on the things I pass by. Of course, many of the things I notice are often inconsequential. Once you train your mind to start doing this though, you’ll start to notice useful things, or even start to appreciate the unseen beauty that is all around. One way I like to facilitate this habit is through the use of a camera. It’s amazing how different the world can look when you stick a lens filter between it and you…when you’re truly looking at what is around you, searching for a way to capture the natural splendor.

And so I tell you, it’s time to stop looking… and start seeing instead.

So how do you take breaks from today's tech world? What's something new that you've notice lately? Drop a comment below and share!
Please check back on Sunday for Buried in a Tech World: Part 2- Business Challenge

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